J. A. McCormick
General Electric Company
Lynchburg, Virginia
September 1966
February, 1928
Police Department installation of an AM transmitter on 144.8 meters
(2.07 megacycles) for one-way service to Police Cars after many false
starts over the period 1921 to 1927.
April, 1928
railroad radio communication. General Electric 50-watt units
the New York Central providing three-way communication –locomotive to
caboose and to wayside stations. (Full Story - Early RR Radio )
G.E. leased to and operated a 5 KW AM station at South Schenectady for
the New York State Police.
Electric early activity in the fledging Police radio field.
kilowatt AM transmitters supplied to the North Carolina Highway Patrol,
the New York Fire Department and many others.
February, 1933
Radio Commission Public Notice 8026 concerning the Police Radio
Service. At the time there were only eight frequencies
to the Police Radio Service in the 1500 to 3000 KC range.
Frequencies above 30 megacycles were experimental. This
states that two-way communication could not be authorized because of
the shortage of frequencies.
March 1933
Bayonne, New Jersey
believed to have the first two-way police radio system.
Lieutenant Vincent Doyle applied for two frequencies in the 30 to 40
megacycle band in 1932. These were granted and he established
system using REL AM equipment.
Boston Police Department two-way installation of General Electric AM
equipment operating in the 30 to 40 megacycle band. ( Photo )
Edwin H. Armstrong, inventor of frequency modulation, presentation of
his FM system to the Institute of Radio Engineers in New York. ( Link to the 55 Page paper -PDF )
September , 1936
of the Institute of Radio Engineers paper on “A Modern Two-Way Radio
System” by Stuart Booken and L. M. Leeds of General Electric Company,
Schenectady, New York This paper described AM equipment for
operation on the 30 to 40 megacycle band with 15-watt mobile
transmitters and 75/150 watt station transmitters. Receiver
of the super heterodyne-super regenerative type.
October, 1937
FCC allocated 29 40KC channels to the Police Service in the 30 to 40
megacycle band. Frequency tolerance was 0.05% and crystal
of both transmitters and receivers was universally employed.
First utility radio system believed established by the Central Hudson
Gas and Electric Company, Poughkeepsie, New York.
April 26, 1938
application to the FCC for an experimental license for the use of FM on
49 megacycles for tests of the feasibility of FM for the mobile Radio
Service. The license was issued on August 3, 1938 and field
started immediately with equipment previously developed in the
August 24-26, 1938
Mobile FM versus AM
demonstrations were conducted on 40 megacycles between Schenectady and
Albany for the U.S. Navy. Present were Rear Admiral C.E.
and Lieutenant Commander J. B. Dow.
April, 1939
Mobile FM
versus AM tests were conducted for technical representatives of many
Government agencies and others including the Signal Corps and the
C.A.A. Major Armstrong was present and as a part of
series of tests the CAA supplied a WACO biplane for airborne
tests. The FCC was represented by Dempsey, General
Jett, Chief Engineer, Ring, Assistant Chief, Wheeler, Director of
Research, and J. M. Bellinger of IRAC. Commander Redman and
T.C. Reaves were also present. On April 27 and 28, FM/AM
tests were run for the Signal Corps and the Air Corps in a C39 from
Wright field. Present at that time were Colonel Mitchell,
Hayden, Lieutenant Brant and Lieutenant Doubleday.
September 28-29, 1939
mobile FM/AM tests (at 15KC deviation later to become the industry
standard) were run again for the FCC Emergency Service
These tests proved to the FCC Engineers the feasibility of the
intermixed FM/AM on the then existing 40 KC channels. Present
were Major E. H. Armstrong, Columbia University, P. Lyon, FCC, Glen
Nielsen, FCC, Daniel E. Noble, Assistant Professor, Connecticut State
Agricultural College and Radio Communications Consultant for the
Connecticut State Police .
October, 1939
Professor Noble started the experimental design of transmitters and
receivers for the Connecticut State Police system.
July 18, 1939
First FM radio broadcast station Major Armstrong’s W2XMN at Alpine, New
Jersey. ( More )
October, 1940
Department, Douglas County, Nebraska. A G.E. pioneer FM
installation using a 250 watt station and 25 watt mobile
The installation was described in the March, 1941 issue of FM Magazine
published by Milton B. Sleeper.
November, 1940
First state
police FM radio system – Connecticut. The Equipment was
by the Fred M. Link Company of New York City, who was awarded the
contract on low bid. Shortly after this, the consulting
on the job, Daniel E. Noble, joined Motorola, Inc.
August, 1940
Bulletin paper by Herbert DuVal of General Electric entitled “Frequency
Modulation for Emergency Communications”. This same issue has
full page ad by RCA on the 30 to 40 megacycle AM Headquarters
transmitter they were offering at the time. Karr Engineering
Company had a small ad on their 8 and 20 watt AM
This issue contained no Motorola or Link advertisements.
March, 1941
250-watt station and 10 mobile units installed for the Indianapolis
Power and Light Company.
Mid 1941
D. Lee Chesnut became Manager of Two-Way Emergency Communication
equipment for G.E. Was previously an Apparatus Department man
the Philadelphia office.
Production of FM equipment
(fourth M.O.) started G.E.’s Bridgeport works (M.O. – Manufacturing
Order). The original first, second, and third M.O. equipment
designed by G.E. Engineers at Schenectady and manufactured by James M.
Millen of Malden, Massachusetts. Early G.E. personalities in
Emergency Communication were: Conan A. Priest, Harry P.
William Broughton, Col. Irving R. Weir, Herbert DuVal, Eugene
Williamson, Lacy W. Goosetree, Charles F. Meyer, Maurice L Prescott,
and George Brown. Design engineers in Bridgeport
Leonard Vladimir – receivers, Don Pugsley – transmitters, J. A.
Worcester – receivers.
Spring, 1942
Start of the difficult
war years. G.E. conversion to war production of Heavy
Equipment. The Emergency Communication Equipment Section was
moved from Bridgeport to Schenectady Works. For the duration
World War II only police and fire departments could obtain the
necessary A1A priority to purchase two-way radio equipment.
Quartz crystals were in particularly short supply.
January, 1944
the end of the war in sight, the FCC established the Radio Technical
Planning Board (RTPB) under the chairmanship of Dr. W. R. G. Baker,
Manager of the Electronics Department of General Electric Company to
represent all claimants to use of the radio spectrum from 25 to 890
megacycles. Looking toward to complete re-allocation of that
portion of the spectrum directly after the war. Dr. Baker
appointed Daniel E. Noble Chairman of Panel 13, which was concerned
with all of the Emergency Radio Services.
April, 1944
Smith, President of Cleveland Yellow Cab, asked General Electric’s help
in obtaining FCC frequency allocations for a taxicab radio
service. Lee Chesnut arrived in Cleveland to discuss the
June 8-9, 1944
of the National Association of Taxicab Owners. Report to the
Research Bureau on the status of the case for taxicab radio.
September 5, 1944
Noble, Chairman of PTPB Panel 13, was asked to get up a panel for the
taxicab radio sub-committee. 30 channels were requested
September 26, 1944
F.C.C. granted special temporary authorization to Cleveland Yellow Cab
for taxicab radio tests on 118.05 MC.
October 30, 1944
Industry hearings in FCC Docket 6651. One taxicab channel was
subsequently granted, followed by three additional channels.
After May, 1949, four taxicab channels were made available in the 150
MC band by the FCC. Lee Chesnut was the only Manufacture’s
Representative who participated in the Taxicab Industry’s
filling. His contribution to the cause of obtaining
was invaluable and is to this day freely recognized by NATO.
Chesnut prepared an article, which describes his early efforts to
obtain taxicab channels, entitled, “From Tank to Taxicabs”.
December, 1944
tests for the Seattle Police Department. General Electric
M.O. equipment outranged the major competitors’ units and at 8 amperes
standby drain versus 14 amperes for his equipment.
January, 1945
Communications Equipment operation moved from Schenectady to the
Thompson Road Plant, General Electric, Syracuse.
was resumed with the sixth M.O. low band equipment.
January/February, 1945
goes to Texas! Surveys conducted for the Gulf States
Company, Houston Power and Lighting Company, San Antonio Transit
Company and the Central Power and Light Company of Corpus Christi.
September, 1946
The FCC released specific blocks of frequencies to the various services
in the 152-162 megacycle and 72-76 megacycle bands.
October, 1946
FCC released block assignments of frequencies in the 30 to 40 megacycle
January, 1947
Industry’s first mobile unit of single unit design, the MC202
combination for operation in the 152-162 megacycle band. ( Photo )
June, 1947
buildings at G.E. Electronics Park, Syracuse, New York
Mobile Radio offices moved from Thompson Road to Electronics Park.
December, 1947
congestion starts to rear its ugly head in the Land Mobile Radio
Services. The explosive growth of these services following
war causes the FCC to consider ways and means to provide additional
channels. General proposed channel splitting in the 25-54
megacycle part of the spectrum in the FCC hearings conducted during
December 1947, No support was given by other radio
manufactures at that time to the idea of channel splitting.
April 21-22, 1949
band FM versus wide band FM demonstration to FCC representatives at
Electronics Park, Syracuse, New York, using standard production
equipment. The FCC representatives were: George E.
Sterling, Commissioner; Glen Nielson and L. E. DeFluer.
January 24-26, 1949
Sales Meeting of G.E. Radio Specialists at Electronics Park.
Gada, Sales Manager. New products introduced –
first narrow
band (20 KC) low band equipment. Eight M.O. two
design, including MC1N and MC1W. The new model available as
either wide band or narrow band. Mechanically identical and
interchangeable, with easy convertibility of the wide band to narrow
band operation if and when ordered by the FCC. Vibrator
version of the MC202 – the MC201, 72-76 megacycle equipment.
Narrow band conversion kit for older, 40 to 50 MC G.E.
Modulation limiter kits.
July 1, 1949
New FCC frequency
allocations effective (30 to 50 megacycle frequencies still on a 40 KC
basis). The eight M.O. two unit low band equipment was the
to include receivers with high front-end selectivity to minimize
desensitization by strong off-channel signals and generation of
intermodulation products.
Fall, 1949
Dynamic pricing policy established by General Manager, George Metcalf.
April 3-7, 1950
Sales “Clinic” at Electronics Park. G. L. Chamberlin, Manager
Marketing, L.W. Goosetree, Manager of Sales. G.E.’s first
single-unit introduced specifically aimed at the taxicab radio service,
the MC203.
New 250-watt low-band station equipment available for
either narrow band or wide band operation, or easy conversion in the
field. The 250-watt was housed in a large double door cabinet. ( Like this Hi-Band one )
February 26-March 2, 1951
Sales Meeting at Electronics Park. New Products include first
electronic tone equipment, the Type 9 using bridge T networks as the
frequency determining element . Several new single unit high
equipments including MC205 23-watt set, the MC204 50-watt set, MC203 LP
for the 3-watt services. EC10B remote control unit, the Civil
Defender Receiver, and the first use of four coil transformers in the
two-unit low band receivers for even greater adjacent channel
selectivity. First introduction of the weatherproof
type base stations. 3KW transmitters for Police Service.
Civil Defense meeting held at Electronics Park. First showing
film prepared by General Electric as a public service to demonstrate
the importance of radio communication in Civil Defense Emergencies,
“And the Voice Shall be Heard!”. Neal Harmon was the
for G.E. in the preparation of this film.
Competitive tests
for the State of Michigan at Roscommon. G.E. two-unit low
equipment was demonstrated to meet the State’s specifications and
outperformed Motorola equipment in a field demonstration. The
Motorola receiver was broken up by intermodulation products – the G.E.
receiver was untouched.
August, 1951
G.E. Kent Street Plant, Utica diverted exclusively to the production of
Land Mobile Equipment.
October, 1951
Industry tests of narrow band versus wide band and low band equipment
at Houston. A G.E. first was the use of quartz crystals as a
front-end filter for the elimination of any specific interfering
Split-channel test conducted for the joint technical advisory committee
(J TAC).
goat sales contest in which the low Regional Manager each month was
given custody of one live very ornery Spanish goat for the succeeding
month. Inasmuch as no one was below 100% toward the end of
year, the goat finally wound up in Electronics Park in the custody of
Dr. W. R. G. Baker.
Engineering reorganized and
strengthened. R.P. Gifford, Manager of Systems Engineering;
Hansen, Manager of Standard Mobile Product Design; A.G. Manke, in
charge of Receiver Design. Noteworthy new product, the MC
8-channel, High-band Marine equipment.
Advent of
automobiles with 12-volt electrical systems, thus giving rise to the
need for 6/12 volt operated mobile radio equipment. 6/12 volt
conversion kits for early G.E. equipment introduced in August, 1953.
The Communications equipment operation established as a separate
business in General Electric.
Link Company bankruptcy (the number 2 supplier up to this time).
Engineering paper by R.P. Gifford “The Knee of the Nose”.
new product introductions: Marine Equipment MC-262, WB 271
272. The MC203LP and SC231LP high band equipment for the Low
Power Industrial Service. The SC31 and SC41 low and high band
stations equipments. The MC2 N & W 6/12 Volt mobile
for low band operation. ST-13-A frequency and modulation
4-coil high band receiver.
November 1, 1953
expansion and reorganization. L. W. Goosetree, Manager of
Marketing; L. R. Sheeley, Manager of Sales; R.L. Casselberry, Manager
of Product Planning; H. N. McNeil, Manager of Product Service; George
Floyd, Manager of Advertising and Sales Promotion.
Acres of Diamonds Sales Contest.
April 11-15, 1954
National Sales meeting at Lost Valley Ranch, Bandera, Texas – “The New
of 6/12 volt mobile equipment for all frequency bands. Low
MC1, 2, 3, 4, wide or narrow band operation. High Band MC206,
watt, MC204, 50-watt, MC208, low power industrial equipment for both
frequency bands, both low and high.
First lifetime guarantee on Quartz crystals. Similar lifetime
guarantee on receiver selectivity determining elements.
Introduction of the new floor-mounting cabinets for station equipment,
69 inch and 83 inch heights respectively.
establishes the final rules for the 450 megacycle band and G.E.
introduced its first equipment for this band, the MC306, and
complimentary station equipment.
Carbon microphones eliminated
as the standard approach in Land Mobile Radio. G.E. was first
standardize on controlled reluctance “high fidelity” microphones.
First radio control of traffic lights, City of Chicago.
experimental radio fire alarm demonstration given at a fire school in
Old Forge, New York (not licensable by the FCC at this time).
June 16-17, 1954
Review meeting held for top management of General Electric Company from
New York City at the auditorium in Electronics Park. Harrison
Aken was manager of the Communications Products Department starting
about this time. R.P Gifford became Manager of Engineering.
March, 1955
crusade series of sales meeting to introduce the Progress Line –
Industry’s first mechanically and electrically standardized line of
Land Mobile Equipment for all frequency bands with mobile and station
transmitter and receiver chassis quickly interchangeable. No
for a base station to be off the air.
Other Progress Line
firsts. First to offer up to four-frequency operation on a
standard basis. First to offer simultaneous monitoring in a
two-frequency receiver or a receiver with a second front end.
First 100 Watt Mobile Unit.
new products in 1955 – the RC4 (EC-28-A) remote control unit,
quadriphase 2 KMC microwave equipment. The EC-30-A station
dispatcher. Station Control panels, the KC4B, KC7B, the KC10A.
May, 1955
of the yacht, Cappy, on the Great Lakes to survey coverage furnished by
Lorain County Radio Corp, 250 Watt station, at Lorain, Ohio.
Electric awarded the U.S. Air Force Contract to supply communication
equipment on a lease basis to Air Force establishments throughout the
Untied States and abroad. The contract has been renewed
and is still in effect as of the time of this writing, September, 1966.
June 18-22, 1956
marks the spot – National Sales Meeting at Miami Beach. New
products included the introduction of Channel Guard, Tone coded
Squelch, 450 megacycle Progress Line equipment, “Personal Channel”
Pulse Tone equipment, the EC31A Extended Local Control and Desk Mate
Station Cabinet made its first appearance.
Progress Line equipment was adapted for installation in Servicar
three-wheel motorcycles.
Competitive tests for the City of Springfield, Massachusetts.
Gainesville, Florida under consideration as the new CPD site plant, but
finally, ruled out.
appearance of transistors in LM equipment. G.E. introduced
EPP-8A transistorized power supply for receiver application at the APCO
Convention at Daytona Beach, Florida.
A very significant new product introduction this year, the Progress
Line, 250-Watt, 450 megacycle base station.
product introductions, a 15-watt transistorized loud speaker, the slim
jim pole-mount cabinet, and equipment for the direct dispatch service
of the Telephone Company.
More transistorization.
All Progress Line Mobile equipment now offered with transistor power
supplies – Dynamotors and vibrator supplies still available, however.
January, 1958
Products Department expansion of Marketing organization.
new regions and 23 districts added for a total of 9 regions and 59
Industry’s finest high-power base stations introduced
– 330-watt Low Band and High Band power amplifiers with Progress Line
Exciters and Receivers.
R. P. Gifford, Manager of C.P.D. Engineering (Telecom, Land Mobile and
Carrier Current).
April, 1958
introduced the Industry’s first fully transistorized receiver – the
Progress Line Portable – made possible by G.E. tetrode transistors (At
the APCO Convention in Baltimore in Aug this year, Motorola introduced
August 1, 1958
All newly licensed transmitters
operating under Parts 10, 11 and 16 of the FCC Rules must now meet
Narrow Band technical standards. All transmitters must meet
new standards by November 1, 1963.
The FCC establishes the Business Radio Service.
December 1, 1958
moved from Syracuse, Utica, and Auburn, New York to new plant at
Lynchburg, Virginia, built in 1956 by G.E.’s Rectifier Department and
recently vacated by them.
March 31, 1959
Industries Association (EIA) filing in FCC Docket 11997 reviewing the
25 to 890 MC frequency allocations. The film “A Million
Messengers” was prepared and made available nationally. The
failed to act on Docket 11997 and subsequently, organized the Land
Mobile Advisory Committee on or about May 26, 1964.
June, 1959
Keystone series of sales meetings to introduce Mobile unit with
transistorized exciter, as well as a fully transistorized receiver –
the High Band transistorized Progress Line equipment (Motrac employed
tubes throughout the transmitter. TPL used tubes only in the
driver and final stage.)
TPL was publicly introduced first at
the Forestry Conservation Communication Association meeting
Hot Springs, Arkansas in July 1959.
TPL was the first mobile equipment to meet 0.0005% frequency stability
without the use of crystal ovens.
October, 1959
Voice Director pocket receiver introduced.
December, 1959
Series of Ford Tractor meetings to acquaint Ford distributors with the
benefits of two-way radio as a business tool.
February, 16-17, 1960
tests of 15 KC (tertiary channel) operation in High Band
the G.E. Gocrete installation at Dallas, Texas, believed to be the
first tertiary channel installation made.
June, 1960
30 and
100-watt Low Band transistorized Progress Line equipment introduced
first at the NCUR (National Committee Utilities Radio) National
Convention at Denver, Colorado.
January, 1961
Introduction of Pacer line of economy low band and High band mobile
July, 1961
first solid-state transmitter. The Voice Commander hand-held
contrasted to hand-carried) Portable. This was a one-watt
transmitter with tubes in the final amplifier originally, but made
fully solid state in September 1962.
Voice Mate hand-carried 100-milliwatt high band transmitter introduced.
November, 1961
II intercomplex radio communications system, a hard voice and digital
radio communications system for the Air Force System’s Command to be
used in the normal command, operational maintenance, security, and
administrative operations of the Titan II squadron.
March, 1962
“62 National Sales Meeting – first event at the new auditorium of the
Lynchburg plant. Product introductions included ruggedized
the Pacer Desk Station, Ignition Noise Blankers.
July, 1962
The Message Mate Economy Pocket Receiver.
February, 1963
Van Aken relinquished General Manager ship of the Communication
Products Department and took a similar position with General Electric’s
Computer Department at Phoenix, Arizona. Richard P. Gifford
replaced Mr. Van Aken.
September, 1963
Robert L. Casselberry returned to the Communications Products
Department as Manager of Planning.
Accent 450 mobile equipment.
October, 1963
99, two-tone selective call system for universal application to any
Land Mobile Radio. Also, the station encoder 100-400-900.
November 1, 1963
Termination of wide-band operation in the FCC Services, Low Band 72-76
and High Band.
February, 1964
Solid-state dial paging terminal providing interconnection between the
telephone system and pocket paging receivers.
April, 1964
first solid-state transmitter in the 10-watt category. G.E.’s
Porta-Mobil unit, capable of 6 to 8 watts output in High Band or 12 to
15 watts output in Low Band.
May 26, 1964
The first organizational meeting of the Advisory Committee on Land
Mobile Services at Washington.
June 1-3, 1964
Sales Meeting at Ponte Verda, Florida for the introduction of MASTR –
mobiles and stations transistorized. A complete line of
and station for all four frequency bands, all popular transmitter
powers; with light transmitter, receiver and power supply units
completely and quickly interchangeable; and with all popular
options including four-frequency operation, tone-coded squelch, and
noise blankers for the low and high frequency bands. Noise
blankers for the highband equipment is a real G.E. first in the
Industry. Other firsts in the MASTR line:
First transistorized stations.
First built-in voltage regulation.
First use of silicon transistors in Land Mobile equipment.
First thermistor compensated oscillators completely eliminating crystal
warmers and ovens.
major manufacturer use of a Quartz crystal filter in the high IF
amplifier of the receiver to provide adjacent channel selectivity at
the front of the set.
Yes, even a Pilot Light Dimmer as a standard option.
The Type 99 two-tone selective calling system for universal application
was also introduced at this Convention of G.E. Salesmen.
December, 1964
Fully transistorized high-power power call siren public address
amplifier for mobile service.
January 1965
The first high-power 450 megacycle mobile unit, the MASTR 60-watt unit.
March 31, 1965
EIA filing in Docket No. 15398, looking toward the feasibility of
sharing TV channels with Land Mobile Service.
April, 1965
six-tone Encoder permits mobile unit to transmit any one of six
low-frequency tones, primarily used for the selection of specific Land
Mobile Relay stations in a multi-station system such as those used by
Forestry Conservation organizations.
May, 1965
Industry’s first solid-state motorcycle unit.
The Porta-Mobil Industrial package.
Improved Mobile Telephone Service (IMTS) MASTR unit meeting Bell
requirements for 11 channel capability.
June, 1965
Type 90 Tone Encoder and Decoder single pulse tone equipment for the
selection of mobile relay stations and other similar applications.
November 22, 1965
J. Worthen resigns as Manager of Sales and transferred to Electronics
Sales Operation of general Electric at Syracuse, New York. He
replaced by Keith Elrod.
December, 1965
Introduction of the
MASTR Executive Series equipment for High and Low Band application at a
National Sales meeting held in Hollywood, Florida.
of the Land Mobile Advisory Committee extended for at least a year by
FCC to consolidate information already put together by the many
committees and to consider channel splitting in 450 megacycle band from
50 KC to 25 KC channels.
June 20-24, 1966
450 megacycle
split-channel field tests conducted in New Orleans by working group B-8
of LMAC. Their conclusions were optimistic and it is probable
that the channels will be split by year end.
August, 1966
National APCO Convention at Seattle, Washington. Industry’s
digital remote control unit announced, capable of performing 12 control
functions over any circuit capable of carrying the voice band of
frequencies with or without DC continuity.
September 16, 1966