Photos Of All 1989 Employees
There are two ways to find photos of interest. The quickest is by browsing the consolidated PDF index pages in the first table to find a name and its photo page location. The other is to download and use the Searchable Photo Index Document
Consolidated Photo Index- PDFs |
A-B Index | C Index | D-E Index | F-G Index | H Index |
I-J-K-L Index | M Index | N-O-P-Q Index | R-S Index | T-to-Z Index |
Once you know which photo page you want to view, use the table below to access it. Most of the 112 photo pages are huge, and impossible to make cellphone friendly; plan to view them on a desktop or laptop. The images with a small r appended to the page number are the right side of pages that were too large to scan whole; these r pages will include some photos also on its parent page. Once a photo of interest has been found it's possible to zoom in on it and get a much larger quality image.