Contact Info:
About the Archivist/Webmaster

After graduating with a BSEE from Purdue
University in
1956 I worked briefly for Farnsworth Electronics in Ft. Wayne, IN and
then spent 2 years as a Lieutenant and Officer in Charge of one of
courses at the US Army Southeastern Signal School, Ft. Gordon, GA.
Upon release from the Army in March of 1959 I joined GE at it's new
communications operations in Lynchburg, VA. I first worked on the design of two--way radio
receivers, and with time progressed into team leadership and later into
the management of design engineering teams. During my 25 years
with GE I got the most satisfaction from my
involvement in the design of the MASTR PRO and MASTR II
product lines.
In retirement I am involved with many computer and Internet
related projects including
being the webmaster for: The
Inland Marine Radio History Archive. I
am an amateur radio operator (K4ZAD), but generally
prefer listening (amateur and AM DXing) to operating. When I am
on the air it's usually via a low-power HF WSPR beacon.
Tom McKee